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o   Morphology is from Greece “morphe” = “forms” is science of  language that focuses on language and how that language special word formed.
o   Morphology is the study of word-structure / the study of the basic buildings blocks of meaning in language.
o   Morpheme is the smallest unit of meaning. Refer to the smallest unit of form that bear (memiliki) meaning or have a grammatical function. Ex : buyers = consist of three morphemes (tanpa mengubah makna) {buy} + {er} + {s}
o   Morpheme is the smallest difference in the shape of a word that correlates with smallest difference in word or sentence meaning or in grammatical structure.
o   Ex : two words that contain each morpheme
o   Er                              as in                 play-er, call-er
o   Ness                         as in                 kind-ness, good-ness
o   Allomorph is a single affix has more than one shape. A group all these three morphs (/id/ hated, /d/ voiced, /t/picked) together as allomorphs of the past tense morphemes.
o   Allomorph is a variety of a single morpheme. The indetifinite article : an/a

o   The plural morpheme in English, usually written as ‘-s’, has at least three allomorphs :
o   -s         as in hats
o   -z         as in dogs
o   -<<z     as in boxes
o   A lexeme is a word in an abstract sense. LIVE is a verb lexeme. It represents the core meaning s
o   hared by forms such as live, lives, lived and living. In most languages, dictionaries are organized according to lexemes, so it is usually
o   Word-form : see, sees, seeing, saw, seen (same lexeme)
o   The grammatical word.
o   Ex : usually I cut the bread. (represent verb, present)
§  Yesterday I cut the bread. (verb, past)
o   Morph is a physical form representing same morpheme. (/id/, /d/, /t/) are English morphs. The analysis of word into morpheme begins with the isolation of morphs.
o   I parked the car
o   I  park the car
o   She parked the car
o   She parks the car

o   Morph                                     Recurs in
o   /ai/                   I                       a and b           
o   /                 she                   c and d

o   3 Types of Morphemes : roots, affixes, stems and bases
o   Roots is the irreducible core of a word, with absolutely nothing else attached to it.
o   Kind of morphemes : 1. Free Morpheme/lexical -> can stand alone as word. May be lexical morphemes ({serve}, {press}), or grammatical morphemes ({at}, {and}). Referred as roots. Ex : man, book, tea, etc.
o   Another class of free morpheme are function word (articles, demonstrative, pronoun, conjunction.
o   Bound Morpheme -> roots always occur with some other word-building element attached to them. Can occur only in combination—they are parts of a word. They may be lexical morphemes (such as {clued} as in include, exclude, preclude) or they may be grammatical (such as {PLU} = plural as in boys, girls, and cats). Bound morphemes are also referred to as affixes, among which there are prefixes, infixes, and suffixes.
o   Free morpheme is then further divided into two: lexical and functional morpheme. Bound morpheme is also further divided into two categories: derivational and inflectional morpheme.
o   Derivational morpheme : changes the root’s class / its meaning or both. Ex : Happy -> Unhappy
o   Inflectional morpheme : do not change the root’s class of word or the meaning. Ex : book -> books.
o   Lexical/free morphemes are those that having meaning by themselves (more accurately, they have sense). Nouns, verbs, adjectives ({boy}, {buy}, {big}) are typical lexical morphemes.
o   Grammatical Morphemes are specify a relationship between other morphemes. Prepositions, articles, conjunctions ({of}, {the}, {but}) are grammatical morphemes.
o   Affixes is a morpheme that only occurs when attached to some other morpheme or morphemes such as a root or stem or base.
o   3 basic of affixes : prefixes, suffixes, infixes
o   Prefixes is an affix attached before a root, stem or base. Like re-, un-, in- . ex : re-mark, in-accurate, un-kind
o   Suffixes is an affix attached after a root, stem or base. Like –ly, -er, -ist, -s, -ing, -ed. Ex : kind-ly, wait-er, book-s, walk-ed.
o   Infixes is an affix inserted inside the root itself. To indicated the plural too. Ex : child -> children
o   Stem  is that part of word that is in existence (berada) before any inflectional affixes.
o   Base is any unit whatsoever to which affixes attached a base may be inflectional affixes/derivational affixes.
o   Compounding is contains at least two bases that are both word. Ex : Week – End = Weekend
o   Conversion is which the form of the base remains (tetap) unaltered (tidak berubah).

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